Kemampuan Awal Penalaran Ilmiah Konsep Fluida Statis Mahasiswa Calon Guru Fisika: Analisis Model Rasch

Unang Purwana, Dadi Rusdiana


Penalaran imerupakan suatu proses berpikir sistematik dan logis untuk memperoleh sebuah kesimpulan yang dapat diperoleh melalui fakta, informasi, pengalaman, atau pendapat para ahli. Kemampuan penalaran ilmiah meliputi kekekalan materi dan volume, penalaran proporsional, pengendalian variabel, penalaran probabilitas, penalaran korelasi, dan penalaran hipotesis deduktif. Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis kemampuan awal penalaran ilmiah mahasiswa calon guru fisika SMA menggunakan analisis model Rasch pada materi fluida statis. Metode yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif eksplanasi. Instrumen penilaian kemampuan penalaran ilmiah berbentuk soal uraian berjumlah 5 soal yang mengukur kemampuan penalaran proporsional, probabilitas, korelasi, dan hipotesis deduktif. Partisipan penelitian yaitu 19 mahasiswa calon guru (L = 2 dan P = 17) di salah satu LPTK di Bandung. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan awal penalaran ilmiah mahasiswa calon guru berada pada kategori sangat rendah (16%), rendah (42%), sedang (26%), dan tinggi (16%). Kesimpulan penelitian ini bahwa kemampuan awal  penalaran ilimiah materi fluida statis mahasiswa calon guru beragam dan cenderung rendah.



Kata kunci: fluida statis, penalaran ilmiah, Rasch model





The reasoning is a systematic and logical thinking process to obtain a conclusion obtained through facts, information, experience, or expert opinion. Scientific reasoning abilities include conservation of matter and volume, proportional reasoning, variable control, probability reasoning, correlation reasoning, and deductive-hypothetical reasoning. The purpose of this study was to analyze the initial scientific reasoning abilities of prospective high school physics teacher students using the Rasch model analysis on static fluid material. The method used is a descriptive explanation. The instrument for assessing scientific reasoning ability is in the form of essay questions totaling five questions that measure proportional reasoning ability, probability, correlation, and deductive hypothesis. Research participants were 19 prospective teachers (L = 2 and P = 17) at one of the LPTKs in Bandung. The results obtained were that the initial scientific reasoning abilities of prospective teacher students were in the deficient (16%), low (42%), medium (26%), and high (16%) categories. This study concludes that the initial scientific reasoning ability of prospective teacher students varies and tends to below 


Keyword: Rasch models, scientific reasoning, static fluid


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