Pengembangan komik berbasis pendekatan saintifik sebagai media pembelajaran fisika SMA pada topik kalor

Ghaida Prinisa Achmad, Purwanto Purwanto, Unang Purwana


The media of learning is a learning resource used by educators in helping the process of delivering material to students to be able to understand the message conveyed so that a conducive learning environment can be created. However, there are still many students who feel bored and are not interested in learning physics because it is difficult to understand the material presented due to the use of media that is not optimal. Therefore, this study aims to develop the media of learning in the form of comics based on a scientific approach on the subject of heat that can facilitate students to carry out activities that support learning based on scientific approaches according to the 2013 Curriculum so that students can stay motivated to learn. The research method used is Research and Development (R&D) with the ADDIE development model consisting of the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation stages. To measure this appropriateness, a validation sheet and media validation were used. The results of material validation are 86.25% feasible and media validation is 85.67% feasible of material validation are 86.25% feasible and media validation is 85.67% and are declared very feasible to be used in learning. The results of the user test using a questionnaire response to educators and students showerd a very positive response showing interest in the media of learning in the form of comics based on a scientific approach as a supporting medium in learning.



Comics; Heat; Scientific Approach; The Media of Learning


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