Implementasi POE2WE dengan LKS untuk peningkatan penguasaan konsep getaran harmonis sederhana siswa

Fatin Noor Ulya, Sarwi Sarwi


The purpose of the study was to explain the differences in the application of worksheets as a supplement to the Prediction, Observation, Explanation, Elaboration, Write and Evaluation (POE2WE) model, in mastering the concept of simple harmonic vibration. The research method used is a quantitative quasi-experimental design. The research subjects were 72 students who were determined by purposive sampling. The instrument used is a multiple choice objective test. The results of the study reported that the POE2WE learning model had an effect on increasing student understanding but its effectiveness was still relatively low. An interesting result is that a significant difference was found from the results of the t test with the acquisition of the value tcount (12.30) > ttable ( ), a decision can be taken to accept the working hypothesis. The <g> value obtained in the control class is 0,08  and gain value in the experimental class is 0,27  The conclusion of the study is that the used of worksheets in POE2WE has a positive effect on mastery of the concept of simple harmonic vibrations and an increase in mastery of concepts is included in the low category after the application of the learning model.


Simple Harmonic Vibration Concept; LKS; POE2WE Model


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