Meningkatkan konsepsi asesmen guru fisika SMA melalui program penguatan kompetensi

Winny Liliawati, Ridwan Efendi, unang purwana, muslim muslim


Assessment has three functions: assessment of learning, assessment for learning, and assessment of learning. The three assessment functions have a balanced proportion. However, the implementation of assessment in education has been dominated by assessment of learning. This imbalance prevents students from building their knowledge. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the competence of teachers to change the conception of assessment in implementing the three assessment roles. The research used the experimental method. The participants who took part in the activity were 50 high school physics teachers spread throughout Indonesia (11 male and 39 female) with 1-28 years teaching period. The research begins with an initial test, and after the activity is completed, a final examination is given. There are 15 questions in multiple-choice form—assessment competency strengthening program in the form of expository, discussion, and question and answer. The results obtained showed an increase in the medium category (N-Gain=0.43). It can be concluded that the assessment competency strengthening program can improve teachers' conceptions of assessment.


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