Analisis pemahaman konsep fisika siswa smp pada materi suhu dan kalor menggunakan tes isomorfik : Rasch model

Fina Khoirunisa Khatmani, Winny Liliawati, Harun Imansyah


The purpose of this study is to determine the understanding of students' concepts using isomorphic tests using rasch model analysis. This research method uses a cross-sectional survey model conducted on 135 students from classes VIII and IX at one of the State Junior High Schools in Lebak Regency. The instrument used is an isomorphic test instrument of 12 multiple-choice questions. The data analysis technique uses the wright map feature on the rasch model. The results showed that using isomorphic tests, it was found that students could more easily understand concepts in table form and students had difficulty doing questions in graphic form. Of the four concepts tested, it was found that 93.3% of students understood the concept of temperature to be in the very high category, there were 77% of students who understood the concept of heat which belonged to the medium category, and there were only 48.15% of students who understood the concept of heat expansion and transfer which belonged to the low category.


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