WAPFI is Nationally Accredited by kemdikbudristek The journal is classified into national's 4th highest cluster for reputable journal in Indonesia No SK: 177/E/KPT/2024 From: Vol 6 No 2 2021 Until: Vol 11 No 1 2026
Aplikasi Weblog Untuk Meningkatkan Penguasaan Konsep Perubahan Fisika Dan Mengembangkan Karakter (Studi Mixed Methods Di Salah Satu Smp Di Kota Bandung)
This research motivated by governance concept of pupil is lack and cares to develop positive character to used internet as one of study source healthy. Purpose this research to increase concept governance, develop character communicative, effort, curious, and to know relation between concept governance and pupil’s character used web blog application. Application of web blog is learning strategy alternative based on web. Research method used mixed methods, with research design concurrent embedded, and result data of quantitative concept governance and data of qualitative character of pupils. Purposive sampling used in this research. This research used sample in one of Junior High School in Bandung City. Increased of concept governance got from normalization gain between pre-test and post-test concept problem. Developed of character got from assessment of character in first and second days based character rubric assessment used Likert scale. Get normalization gain 0,41 categorized medium and tendency of communicative character develop increase. Coefficient of regression (b) 0,07 and coffecient of correlation (r) 0,585. The conclusion is web blog application can increased governance of change physics concept pupils in junior high school, can increased profil of character communicative, effort, and curious, and found the correlation between cognitive and character of pupils.
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