WAPFI is Nationally Accredited by kemdikbudristek The journal is classified into national's 4th highest cluster for reputable journal in Indonesia No SK: 177/E/KPT/2024 From: Vol 6 No 2 2021 Until: Vol 11 No 1 2026
Penerapan model pembelajaran berbasis proyek untuk meningkatkan keterampilan proses sains dan penguasaan konsep siswa smp pada materi pesawat sederhana
G G Ginanjar1, Muslim Muslim, Ridwan Efendi
The purpose of this research was to get profile about increasing science process skill, students mastery of simple machine concept, and students responsed toward project based learning. Research design was one group pre-test post-test design. The research subject is 35 students of VIII grade from one of junior high school in Bandung district. The research instrument used science process skill and matery concept test, observation sheets of science process skill, and students response questioner. The result showed that aplication of project based learning can increasing science process skill and mastery of concept. Generally, science process skill increased with <g> score is 0,36 with medium category. Average percentage of science process skills based on observation sheet at 68,35% with medium category. Students mastery of concept increased with <g> score is 0,38 with medium category, and students response toward project based learning tended to positive response with percentage students response 76,45%.
Project based learning; Science process skill; Mastery of concept
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