WAPFI is Nationally Accredited by kemdikbudristek The journal is classified into national's 4th highest cluster for reputable journal in Indonesia No SK: 177/E/KPT/2024 From: Vol 6 No 2 2021 Until: Vol 11 No 1 2026
This is research on the application of Physic Learning Model Based-Phenomena (PBF) in learning on the application of Physic Learning Model Based-Phenomena (PBF) in learning the concept of static fluid statics on senior high school students. This study aims to gain an overview of the increasing of student’s cognitive abilities as the impact of the application of Physic Learning Model Based-Phenomena (PBF). PBF Model consists of five stages of learning; (1) the orientation of students in natural phenomena; (2) organize the students to learn; (3) guiding the group inquiry investigation; (4) presents the results of the investigation; and (5) analyze and evaluate the explanation of physics phenomena that are present in stage I. The method used is a pre-experiment design with one group pre-test post-test. Research instrument used include tests of cognitive abilities in the from of objective a kind multiple choice test and the observation sheet due to adherence to model Learning Physics-Based Phenomena (PBF). The subject in this study are the students of XI Science class at one of the high schools in Garut. This research collects data from 42 people as sample that determined by cluster random sampling technique. Data analysis was perfomed by calculating the average of the data obtained by normalized the average gains is 0,51, which means that the increase in student’s cognitive abilities as an impact the application of Physic Learning Model Based-Phenomena (PBF) is in the medium category. While the profile of the normalized average gain scores in every aspect, i.e recall aspect is 0,75 means at high category, understand aspect is o,50 means at the medium category, applying aspect is 0,69 means at medium category, and analyze aspect is 0,47 means at medium category.
Physic Learning Model Based-Phenomena (PBF); Cognitive Ability
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