Physics learning module on google sites-assisted case-based learning measure-ment material

Mohamad Khaeruman, Hadi Nasbey, Firmanul Catur Wibowo


This study introduced the development of a physics learning module on the topic of measurements based on case-based learning, supported by Google Sites. In the research background, the importance of innovative approaches in physics education for enhancing student understanding had been recognized. Therefore, the primary aim of this research was to develop an effective instructional module that would improve students' comprehension of measurement concepts. The research adopted a research and development approach using the 4D development model (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate). During the "Define" phase, the need for the module and the scope of the teaching material were identified. Subsequently, in the "Design" phase, the module structure was designed, and case-based learning strategies were planned. The "Develop" phase involved creating the module as per the specified design, including the integration of case-based scenarios and the utilization of the Google Sites platform. In the final "Disseminate" phase, an assessment was conducted on the usability and effectiveness of the developed module. The result of this study yielded a comprehensive physics learning module centered around measurement concepts and utilizing case-based learning techniques. The module was successfully validated as an effective teaching tool capable of enhancing students' understanding of measurement concepts.


physics education; measurement; learning module; case-based learning; Google Sites

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