Rahayu R Tri, Kartika Sari, Samsul Islam, Rusna Ristasa


Efektivitas model tutorial deliberative learning dalam  pembelajaran IPA mahasiswa program studi S1 PGSD di unit program belajar jarak jauh Universitas Terbuka Purwokerto dilakukan untuk mengembangkan metode dan strategi alternatif pembelajaran  (tutorial) yang lebih kreatif dan inovatif telah dilakukan. Selama ini, model tutorial yang dilakukan adalah model tradisional (conventional learning), di mana proses tutorial  kurang melibatkan mahasiswa dan sumber pembelajaran lainnya dalam bentuk pembelajaran berbasis teamwork. Model tutorial deliberatif learning (MDL) dilakukan di 3 kelompok belajar  yaitu Slawi, Kemangkon dan Purwokerto untuk semester 9 kelas paralel (disebut kelas kontrol dan kelas eksperimen) dan dibuat per kelompok untuk diskusi.  Hasil tutorial kelas kontrol (conventional learning) dan kelas eksperimen (MDL) kemudian dibandingkan dan dianalisis aspek kognitif, afektif dan psikomotorik.  Setelah dilakukan pengujian, diperoleh hasil tutorial bahwa efektivitas hasil belajar kelas eksperimen meningkat  untuk aspek kognitif, afektif dan psikomotorik rata-rata sebesar  75%.  Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa  model tutorial MDL membuat mahasiswa lebih kreatif untuk mengeksplorasi dan termotivasi untuk belajar sistematis dan inovatif,  sehingga dapatlah disimpulkan bahwa model tutorial deliberatif learning  signifikan dapat mengubah perilaku sumber pembelajaran (tutor, mahasiswa dan sumber pembelajaran berbasis cyber) untuk dapat saling berkolaborasi.

Kata kunci:  Model Deliberative Learning;  Model conventional learning;  efektivitas; kreatif; inovasi.


The effectiveness of the deliberative learning model in IPA teaching students of S1 PGSD in units of distance learning programs, Open University Purwokerto are done to develop alternative methods and strategies of learning (tutorial) that are more creative and innovative has been done. During this time, the tutorial model is done is the traditional model (conventional learning), where the process is less involved students tutorials and other learning resources in the form of teamwork based learning. Model deliberative learning tutorial (MDL) was conducted in three study groups that Slawi, Kemangkon and Purwokerto for fourth-level and parallel classes (called the control class and experimental class) and are made per group for discussion. The results tutorials of the control class (conventional learning) and the experimental class (MDL) are compared and analyzed in the cognitive, affective and psychomotor. After testing, the results are obtained tutorials that the effectiveness of experimental class increased learning outcomes for cognitive, affective and psychomotor average of 75%. This shows that the deliberative learning tutorial model makes students creatively ways to explore and be motivated to learn a systematic and innovatively, so it can be concluded that the deliberative learning tutorial model can significantly change the behavior of learning resources (tutors, students and resource-based learning cyber) to be able to collaborate.

Keywords: Deliberative Learning Model, Model conventional learning, effectiveness, creativity, innovation.


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/wapfi.v2i2.8272


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