Siti Hartanti Nurmaharleni, Putrasulung Baginda


In a communication situation, there are Redemittel or expressions in German to express certain speech acts that have differences in the use of words or phrases in Indonesian expressions. Based on the author's experience, one of the difficulties experienced when learning German is not mastering Redemittel and tends to translate word by word when formulating sentences in German. Thus, German learners form sentences that are ambiguous or not in line with the standard language (Standardsprache) used by native German speakers. The purpose of this study is to determine 1) the mastery level of German A1 Redemittel before using Instagram social media as a learning medium; 2) the mastery level of German A1 Redemittel after using Instagram social media as a learning medium; and 3) the effectiveness of using Instagram social media in learning German A1 Redemittel. The method used in this research is pre-experiment or pre-experimental design. The form of pre-experiment design used is One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design which there is one group of people as the object of research. The data collection method was carried out with an initial test (pre-test) before treatment and there was a final test (post-test) after treatment of the object of research on 28 samples of class XI-D SMA Negeri 19 Bandung. Based on the results of the study, the average value obtained from the pre-test was 62.28. This value is included in the low category. Meanwhile, the average value obtained from the post-test is 84.27, meaning that this value is included in the good category. This shows that the use of Instagram social media as a learning media can improve students' learning of German A1 Redemittel and teachers can utilize Instagram social media as one of the alternative learning media in learning German.

Keywords: instagram social media, learning, Redemittel

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