This study aims to explore the general situation of German language education in Malaysia, focusing on the growing interest in learning the language and the challenges faced in its instruction. The research utilizes a descriptive qualitative methodology, gathering data through literature review and Focus Group Discussions (FGD). Findings indicate that the interest in learning German has significantly increased in recent years, driven by academic, professional, and personal motivations. However, the study identifies several challenges, including limited resources such as textbooks, teaching materials, and online content in German, as well as varying teaching quality across institutions. Additionally, the partnership between Universitas Negeri Malang (UM) and Study Germany, a Malaysian educational consultancy, is highlighted as a case study, revealing issues in teaching Landeskunde (cultural studies) due to resource limitations, insufficient teacher knowledge, and cultural differences between Germany and Malaysia. The study suggests that improving resource availability, teacher training, and curriculum development are essential steps to enhance the quality of German language education in Malaysia. Moreover, the integration of a discursive approach in teaching Landeskunde is recommended to provide deeper cultural insights and address the challenges identified.
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