Ami Rahmi, Dadang Sudana


Mass media is one of the bridges for exchanging information among the public. Interestingly, there is a perceived phrase that there is no neutral media. Therefore, this research aims at investigating at the ideational meaning in constructing the representation of Ahok in the online news portal of Republika and Kompas. The research was carried out using qualitative research using critical discourse analysis approach. Sample Republika and Kompas were selected using purposing sampling technique. Data was collected using observation and documentation. The results show that Republika represents Ahok as the second participant in various issues reported in their news, indicating Ahok and all information about him is not the main entity in Republika. In contrast, Ahok was represented as the first participant in various issues reported in Kompas, suggesting Ahok and all information about him is the main entity for Kompas news. The construction of the ideational meaning by Republika shows that Republika has a non-cooperative political ideology on Ahok. Ahok’ achievements and contributions were represent negative and has no positive role in their issues. On the other hand, the construction of the ideational meaning by Kompas shows many good achievements done by Ahok as a good point and an investment as well to show the popularity, electability and good image of Ahok to the public, indicating cooperative political ideology of Kompas on Ahok as Jakarta Governor.

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