Model of History Education Laboratory Management

Tarunasena Tarunasena, Ayi Budi Santosa, Iing Yulianti


The background of this research is based on the importance of forming professional
history teacher candidates in accordance with the above mentioned expectations,
the Department of Historical Education needs to empower and develop the History
Laboratory as a superior program. The History Education Laboratory is centered on
the field of science, a place of authority and academic integrity. The History
Education Laboratory was formed in order to meet the needs of the department and
the development of academics. The main limitation of this research problem is
"what is the model of Management of Historical Education Laboratory in Higher
Education from the Organization and Administration aspects? Qualitative research
methods are research procedures that produce descriptive data in the form of
written or oral words from and observable behavior. The objective of the researcher
to use a qualitative approach is to look for a complex and holistic description of the
subject matter studied in this regard regarding the management model of the
Historical Education laboratory in tertiary institutions.


21st century, Historical Education Laboratory

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Copyright (c) 2020 Tarunasena Tarunasena, Ayi Budi Santosa, Iing Yulianti