Assessment of Ecosystem Services and Environmental Degradation by Using Landscape Approach in The Riparian Area of Lake Rawapening

Taufik Budi Waskita, Agasi Purnama Jatti, Boma Karunia Dwi Putra, Fiqh Arya Satya, Muhammad Rifqy, Tegar Dwi Pramanto, Muhammad Anggri Setiawan


Lake Rawapening is a unique landscape that naturally provides provisioning, regulatory, cultural, and supporting ecosystem services. On the other side, Rawapening Lake is an open access area that is subject to be vulnerable to any economic activities that lead to environmental degradation. This study aims to identify the spatial distribution of ecosystem services provided in part of the riparian area of Rawapening Lake using a geomorphological approach with detailed scale mapping and identify environmental degradation that occurred in the area in two time periods, 2016 and 2020. Data analysis was carried out using Scoring and Pairwise Comparison techniques to produce Ecosystem Services Index and Ecosystem Services Composite Index values presented in a Spatio-temporal manner. The results of the analysis using the Geographic Information System (GIS) show that the dynamics of the landscape that occurred in 2016 and 2020 caused changes in the provision of ecosystem services in terms of the area. In these two periods, the Landscape Lake Rawapening had the highest Ecosystem Services Composite Index(IKJE). However, the threat of environmental degradation caused by anthropogenic activities is always lurking and can lead to a decrease in the quality and quantity of the provision of ecosystem services from the landscape. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a study on the physical and socio-economic characteristics of the study area to assist policymakers in formulating the determination of lake riparian area and zoning of related resource use.


Ecosystem Services; Environmental Degradation; Geographic Information System (GIS); Landscape; Lake Riparian Area

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