Framework of Technological Pedagogical (TPACK) On Teacher’s Backgrounds in Geography Learning In Muna Distric

Al Akbar, Ahmad Yani, Nandi Nandi


Educationhave a big influence in the world of education, one of which is the role of the teacher who is no longer a source of learning, but the teacher is only a facilitator. Advances in Information, Knowledge and Technology pose challenges to teachers in finding relevant roles in order to measure student learning progress in order to face challenges in the 21st century. This study aims to determine the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Competencies of Geography teachers in Muna Regency, (Research This study uses a survey method with quantitative descriptive analysis. With the results of the study showing that: The quality of the TPACK framework for geography teachers in Muna Regency is in the very good category (1) In the Technological Knowledge (TK) subdomain, geography teachers in Muna Regency are in Good criteria, (2) Pedagogical Knowledge (PK) of geography teachers in Muna Regency is in very good criteria and masters pedagogy very well, (3) Content Knowledge (CK) of geography teachers in Muna Regency is also in very good criteria which includes mastery of good content. very good, (4) Technological Content Knowledge ( TCK) geography teachers in Muna Regency are in good criteria, (5) Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) for geography teachers are in very good criteria, (6) Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK) is in good category, and (7) Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) of geography teachers in Muna Regency is in the very good category. 


TPACK Framework; Teacher's Background; Learning Geography

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