Exploring Tectonism: A Journey through Virtual Geotour in Geography Education for High School Students

Nur Kholifatun Nisa, Adip Wahyudi, Alfyananda Kurnia Putra, Ike Sari Astuti, Chusni Ansori


Based on a needs analysis in high school, geography learning in the independent curriculum emphasizes mastery of students' cognitive abilities. However, the complexity and abstraction of the material, especially tectonism, often poses challenges for students' understanding because the term verbalism is difficult to understand and limited field observations. This research aims to develop digital-based Virtual Tour learning media that can be accessed via the website. This media is equipped with relevant information to help students understand tectonic processes. Apart from that, it provides a more realistic interpretation of geographic material. The development method uses the Borg and Gall model through a modification stage by Sugiyono with 10 stages. The research results show that the Virtual Geotour Tektonisme received high validation both in terms of media (92%) and material (75.71%), with positive responses from teachers (96%) and students (87%). This shows the great interest of both teachers and students regarding the importance of developing this learning media to improve students' understanding of geography material. Easy media accessibility helps students to study independently via laptop or cellphone.


Geography Learning; Virtual Geotour; Tectonism

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/gea.v24i2.68947

DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.17509/gea.v24i2.68947.g29160


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