Analisis Kebutuhan Daya Pada Gedung Bertingkat (Studi Kasus Pada Gedung Perkuliahan FPSD Baru Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia)

Elih Mulyana, Fahmi Januar Firdaus


Electricity is a crucial and essential component in a building or in daily life that requires careful attention. The current technological advancements heavily rely on electricity to support various human activities. The power energy needs play a vital role in industries or other institutions, especially in the construction of the New FPSD Building at the Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, carried out by the company PT. Hutama Karya. The data collection method involves observing the power requirements during the construction of the New FPSD Building. Additionally, discussions include the examination of electrical drawings and power consumption data. In this construction project, there are 7 floors, and each floor has 1 Sub Distribution Panel (SDP). The power distribution from each floor's SDP goes to Lighting Panel (LP), Power Panel (PP), and AC (PP-AC). The power distribution to each SDP on every floor results from the division of the Main Distribution Panel (MDP) located in the panel room on the ground floor, with a total required power of 308.125 kW.


Electricity; Electrical; Power Distribution, FPSD UPI Building

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