Muay Aerobics Based on Nusantara Dance as A Design of Multicultural Education

Noviyanti Maulani, Juju Masunah, Trianti Nugraheni


Muay Aerobics is one of the art in the Muaythai sport in the form of competitive performances and is open. So, it can be created with a variety of creativity. Lembaga Adat Karatwan Galuh Pakuan captures this opportunity by accommodating Nusantara dance-based Muay Aerobics that can appreciate diversity, pride in cultural identity. This is done because based on the facts in the field there is a gap, where there is no clear regulation based on the work process, general rules and assessment criteria. This research aims to design a design to create Muay Aerobics based on Nusantara dance. The method used to solve the problems that researchers face is design- based research by taking the stages of exploration, designing, evaluating and reflecting. Data were collected by means of participant observation and digital-based observation, interviews, documentation studies and focus discussion groups. After the data is obtained, the data is analyzed by selecting the main things, presenting the data and drawing conclusions. The results of the research findings that the creation of Muay Aerobics works based on Nusantara dance must pay attention to the identity of each culture.

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