Nexus between soft skills and technical vocational education and training graduate employability
Soft skills are increasingly seen as being crucial for the modern workforce due to the rapid and pervasive digitalisation that has transformed the nature of employment. To work with new technologies and stay up with the rapid changes in technology, graduates require employability skills. Despite the growing demand there remains a shortage of employability skills, organisations frequently struggle to identify qualified candidates for digital jobs because workforces frequently lack the skills necessary to manage digital change. Soft skills became more important as the pace of world of work moved online. Meanwhile, the role of TVET in job creation cannot be over emphasised in the changing world. Thus, the study examined how soft skills can enhance TVET graduates’ employability. Study participants included 351 students from Botswana TVET schools. To better understand how soft skills relate to TVET graduates' employability, we used STATA software to establish the correlation between the two variables. The result indicated that soft skills promote TVET graduates' employability. Hence, all TVET administrators should keep up-to-date with this present model so that they can design policies that promote employability for TVET graduates.
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