Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Learning Tipe Jigsaw II untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Dasar Teknik Mesin

Syafaruddin siregar, Uli Karo_Karo, Tommy Eka Rahmadani


The purpose of this research is to develop activities and result student learning outcomes in
Mechanical Engineering Basic using Cooperative Learning Model Type Jigsaw II on XTP1 students at
SMKN 6 Bandung. Research method used is the Classroom Action Research (CAR) which consists of
three cycles. The study conducted by learning begins with pretest and posttest each cycle. Average yield
for the specialist group activity each cycle as follows: Cycle I 44.16% (being), increase in cycle II to
56.83% (being), cycle III to 86% (very high). Then the average home group activity for each cycle as
follows: cycle I 37.5%, increase in cycle II to 69.79% (high). Increased again the third cycle to 93.83%
(very High). From the activity affect students’ learning result in each cycle of learning, especially pretest
result and posttest scores : pretest cycle I 48.91 and posttest 63.78 (up 14.84). 61.89 cycle II pretest and
posttest 78.78 (up 16.89), 72.56 cycle III pretest and posttest 86.89 (up 14.33). Based on Analysis of
research data obtained in the field I nt can be concluded that the application of Cooperation Learning
Model Type Jigsaw II can be increase the activity learning and learning result outcomes in subject
Mechanical Engineering Basic of XTP1 at SMKN 6 Bandung.

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