Geotourism Marketing Development in Pawon Cave, West Bandung Regency

Talitha Aulia Sukma Nabila, Shandra Rama Panji Wulung


In carrying out the development of geotourism in a sustainable manner, there is a need for studies related to geotourism destination planning that can affect the development opportunities of an area. In response to this, research was conducted in planning a marketing development program at one of the geotourism destinations in West Bandung, namely Pawon Cave, so that it can become a geotourism area that cares about the environment and remains attractive to tourists. The approach used is a qualitative research method with a qualitative descriptive study approach. The data collection technique used was by conducting interviews with related parties as well as observation and documentation in supporting this research. The results of this study provide recommendations for the development of geotourism marketing for Pawon Cave with a focus on the involvement of the surrounding community in developing geotourism areas, conservation education for geotourism areas, partnerships with various parties in regional development and the creation of geotourism interpretation media for the convenience of tourists.


Geotourism, Geotourism Marketing, Pawon Cave

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