Pengaruh Insentif Terhadap Disiplin Kerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil di PPPPTK TK dan PLB Bandung

Dhineu Herawati Sejati, Aan Komariah, Abu Bakar


This study entitled "The Effect of Incentives to Work Discipline of Civil Servants
in PPPPTK TK and PLB Bandung". This research was carried in education and
training institutions, technical and operational units Ministry of Education and
Culture, employees with civil servant status are involved in the sampling of this
study. In general, this study aims to determine how the incentive effect the
discipline of employees working in PPPPTK TK and PLB Bandung. The method
used is descriptive method with quantitative approach, where the technique used
in data collection questionnaire that is enclosed with the number of 75
respondents research. Data analysis and processing using the application's help
Microsoft Excel 2010 and SPSS version 21.0 for Windows. The result of the
analyze of Means Weight Score (WMS), indicates that incentives are in the high
category, with a score of 3,95 and discipline acquisition included in the category
of work is very high with the acquisition of a score of 4,29. The results of the data analysis of the correlation coefficient between the incentive to work discipline shows the correlation value is equal to 0,475%, with determination coefficient of 22,5%, meaning that the incentive effect on work discipline civil servants of 22,5%, and the remaining 77,5% is influenced by other factors. The level of significance obtained 0,4607 ˃ 1,666 it means that there is a positive and significant effect between employee incentives with discipline in PPPPTK TK and PLB Bandung.


Incentives; Work Discipline; Civil Servants; PPPPTK TK and PLB Bandung

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