Hady Siti Hadijah


Educator Accountant as long one part of from accountant procession owning big enough role in
determining growth of human research in next period and affect growth of accountancy as one science
One of factor influence thing performance of educator accountant so that can run it profession better is
satisfaction in work area. Satisfaction in work area to represent the positive attitude that coming from
job experience it self.
Goals which wish reached in this research are : (1) learning relation of Multidimensional of
organizational commitment developed by Allen and Meyer with the satisfaction work felt by the educator
accountant, (2) learning influence of Multidimensional of organizational to satisfaction work, (3)
learning influence of dimension of affective commitment satisfaction work, (4) learning influence of
dimension of continuance commitment to satisfaction work, (5) learning influence of dimension of
normative commitment to satisfaction work.
Research conducted descriptive and verification while reset method used descriptive survey method by
using technical of with drawls simple random sampling. Institutes which are being research object are
13 private sector colleges opening programmed first degree in accountancy and accreditation B by BANPT.
gathering technical used is spreading questionnaire. Analyzer used Path Analysis using programmed
Lisrel 8.30.
Results of this research hypothesis examination express: (1) Multidimensional of organizational
commitment with this satisfaction work is positive correlation and significant, (2) dimension of affective
commitment have an effect on positive and significant to satisfaction work, (3) dimension of continuance
commitment have an effect on positive and significant to satisfaction work, (4) dimension of normative
commitment don’t have an effect on positive and significant to satisfaction work.

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