Pengaruh Integrasi Rantai Pasokan Terhadap Keunggulan Bersaing Melalui Kinerja Rantai Pasokan pada Peternak Sapi Perah di Kabupaten Bandung Barat

Yun Yun, Asep Kurniawan


Abstract.Livestock products, especially cow's milk, have related constraints that are easily damaged so that they require more handling. Especially in cold supply chains and transportation speeds. Problems in the food product supply chain, namely the value received by each member (suppliers, manufacturers and distributors) are still not balanced, especially at the upstream level, especially breeders, which is the starting point of the supply chain, obtaining low value. This indicates that the performance of the supply chain of cow's milk products is still low, but it should be noted also the competitive advantages that run the supply chain activities. This study wants to know the effect of supply chain integration on competitive advantage through supply chain performance. This research is quantitative research using the partial least square (PLS-SEM) method. The population in this study is cattle ranchers in West Bandung Regency The results of this study can explain the competitive advantages that are influenced by supply chain integration through supply chain performance.

Keyword. stock products, supply chain, competitive advantage


Abstrak.Produk peternakan khususnya susu sapi memiliki kendala terkait mudah rusak, sehingga memerlukan penanganan yang lebih. khususnya dalam rantai pasokan dingin dan kecepatan transportasi. Masalah dalam rantai pasokan produk pangan yaitu nilaiyang diterima masing – masing anggota (supplier, manufaktur dan distributor)  masih belum seimbang terutama di tingkat upstream khususnya peternak yang menjadi titik awal dari rantai pasokan memperoleh value yang rendah. Hal ini mengindikasikan  akan kinerja rantai pasokan produk susu sapi masih rendah, tetapi perlu diperhatikan juga Keunggulan kompetitif yang menjalankan aktivitas rantai pasokan tersebut. Kajian ini ingin mengetahui pengaruh integrasi rantai pasokan terhadap keunggulan bersaing melalui kinerja rantai pasokan. Penelitian ini bersifat penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode partial least square (PLS-SEM). Populasi pada penelitian ini yaitu peternak sapi di di Kabupaten Bandung Barat Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat menjelaskan keunggulan bersaing yang dipengaruhi integrasi rantai pasokan melalui kinerja rantai pasokan.

Kata Kunci. produk peternakan, rantai pasokan, keunggulan bersaing


Livestock Products, Supply Chain, Competitive Advantage

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