Perbedaan Pengaruh Pendekatan Open-Ended Berstrategi Tps dan Pendekatan Konvensional Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Matematis Siswa

Sinta Nurriah, Ani Nur Aeni, Maulana Maulana


This research aim to determine the effect of an open-ended approach with TPS strategy on mathematical creative thinking ability. The result of this research that is open-ended approach with TPS strategy have a better effect than conventional approaches in impropving mathematical creative thinking ability. The findings in the research include supporting factors and inhibiting factors for the application of the open-ended approach with TPS strategy. Supporting factors for applying the open-ended approach with TPS strategy that is the context of the probelems presented is kown to student: learning process that facilitates students to work independently and carry out various patterns of discussion in finding alternative solutions; optimal teacher performance; and the enthusiasm of students in following the learning process. While the inhibiting factors for applying the open-ended approach with TPS strategy is relativity little time and no students who have not finished solving open problem.


Open-ended approach, TPS strategy, Creative mathematical thinking ability


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