Yanti Yanti, Prana Dwija Iswara, Dede Tatang Sunarya


Classroom Action Research is an action taken to correct problems in the classroom. The improvement made by the researcher is an improvement to the problem of understanding reading skills. Improvement efforts are made based on the results of the analysis of researchers from the research that has been carried out. Improvements are made to improve planning, implementation, student activities and learning outcomes. The subjects in this study were fifth grade students of Panyingkiran III Elementary School. Based on the research, the application of the PQ5R Method (Preview, Question, Read, Record, Reflect, Recite, And Review) has increased, the teacher's performance in the first cycle planning stage is 75%, cycle II 83%, cycle III 96%. Teacher performance in the implementation phase of the first cycle was 74%, cycle II 83%, cycle III 96%. The activity of students with criteria is very good, first cycle 42%, second cycle 65%, cycle III 87%. Student learning outcomes in cycle I 45%, cycle II 58%, cycle III 87%. The existence of data from research results, it can be seen an increase from each cycle. The increase is due to improvements made in each cycle. Thus it is proven that the application of the PQ5R Method can improve the results of students' reading comprehension skills.


Reading Comprehension, PQ5R Method, Reading Skills



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/jpi.v3i1.18922


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