Tasya Meriza Febriani Fitria, Nurdinah Hanifah, Dede Tatang Sunarya


Based on preliminary data obtained in class IV of SDN Pasanggrahan III, Sumedang Regency, the research conducted aims to improve the results of students' learning and critical thinking. The background of this research is because student learning outcomes are not satisfactory and students' critical thinking is still low. Therefore, an effort to correct this problem is to use solid puzzle media and scientific approaches. These problems were corrected through Classroom Action Research (CAR). This research was completed through three cycles of learning implementation. As for the data obtained in the first cycle for planning reached 85.18%, for the implementation of 69%, student activities 71.21%, learning outcomes 54.54%, and critical thinking of students reached 67.01%. In the implementation of the second cycle there was an increase in every aspect, namely planning increased to 96.29%, implementation became 91.11%, 88.38% student activities, 72.72% learning outcomes, and students' critical thinking increased to 75.76%. In the implementation of the third cycle has increased from every aspect and has reached the target set before, as for the results of each aspect that is on planning and implementation increased to 100%, student activities reached 95.45%, student learning outcomes reached 90.90%, and students' critical thinking reaches 87.54%. Thus, this study succeeded in improving the results of learning and critical thinking of the fourth grade students of SDN Pasanggrahan III, Sumedang Selatan District, Sumedang Regency. 


Solid Puzzle Media, Scientific Approach, Learning Outcomes, Critical Thinking.


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