Melinda Windiyani, Riana Irawati, Prana Dwija Iswara


This  research was conducted because of the ability of the students. This study was conducted because the mathematical connection ability and mathematical disposition ability of students must be honed early and taught with good learning. One of the lessons that can be used to mprove mathematical connection skill and mathematical dispositions of students s learning  using  connecting, organizing, reflecting, extending (CORE) models This research s a quasi-experimental study using a non equivalent control group design. The samples n this study were VA and VB students at Bangkir Elementary School. nstrument n this study   nclude tests of   mathematical connection ability, mathematical disposition scale, observation guidelines, student daily journals and field notes. The results of the study with  a significance  level = 0.05 (5%) ndicate that the CORE model can improve mathematical connection skill and mathematical dispositions. The CORE model s better than conventional approaches improving mathematical connection skills and mathematical dispositions. There no relationship between mathematical connection ability and mathematical disposition.


Connecting, organizing, reflecting, extending (CORE) models, Mathematical Connections, Mathematical Dispositions.


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