Pengaruh Strategi MURRDERR Berbantuan Media Berbasis Android terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Reflektif Matematis dan Motivasi Siswa
Innovation learning by using MURRDERR strategy assisted by android-based so that becomes a solution to improve reflective thingking skills and students motivation learning in elementary school. This research used quasi-experimental method, with nonequivalent control grup design. The population is all class of V grade in Sumedang Selatan Subdistrict, with sample of grade V-A SDN Sukaraja 1 (grup class of experiment) and V-B SDN Sukaraja 1 (grup calss of control). Counclusions from this research are : 1) MURRDERR strategy assisted by android-based media is significantly better at improving reflective thinking skills than conventional learning. 2) MURRDERR strategy assisted by android-based media, and conventional learning can improve student motivation learning most increases significantly. 3) There is a positive relationship between the ability of reflective thinking skills with student motivation.
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