Pengaruh Strategi MURRDERR Berbantuan Media Berbasis Android terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Reflektif Matematis dan Motivasi Siswa

Titan Radiansyah Muharom, Maulana Maulana, Isrok'atun Isrok'atun, Titan Radiansyah Muharom


Innovation learning by using MURRDERR strategy assisted by android-based so that becomes a solution to improve reflective thingking skills and students motivation learning in elementary school. This research used quasi-experimental method, with nonequivalent control grup design. The population is all class of V grade in Sumedang Selatan Subdistrict, with sample of grade V-A SDN Sukaraja 1 (grup class of experiment) and V-B SDN Sukaraja 1 (grup calss of control). Counclusions from this research are : 1) MURRDERR strategy assisted by android-based media is significantly better at improving reflective thinking skills than conventional learning. 2) MURRDERR strategy assisted by android-based media, and conventional learning can improve student motivation learning most increases significantly. 3) There is a positive relationship between the ability of reflective thinking skills with student motivation.


MURRDERR Strategy Assisted by Android Based, Mathemtical Reflektive Thinking Skills, Student Motivation.


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