Gymnastics Performance Analysis: The Role of Anxiety and Concentration in Gymnasts’ Success

Helmy Firmansyah, Tri Martini, Jajat Darajat, M Mudjihartono, Rion Hendrianto


Gymnastics is a sport that requires a high level of precision and technical skill, which can be affected by psychological factors. Unfortunately, in many cases, gymnastics training often focuses on developing physical and technical aspects, with little attention paid to psychological factors that may affect athlete performance. This study aims to reveal the role of anxiety and concentration on the performance of gymnastics athletes. The method used in this study was correlational. The study involved thirty-seven young gymnastics athletes (20 girls and 17 boys; mean age 19.03 ± 3.88 years) who regularly participated in or were preparing for competitions. The instruments used in this study include the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2R (CSAI-2R), Concentration Grid Test and gymnastics performance based on the assessment of professional judges. The results of this study indicate that anxiety and concentration have a significant influence on the performance of gymnastics athletes. Athletes who are able to manage anxiety stably and concentrate for a long time during competition tend to achieve higher scores in gymnastics performance. These findings underscore the importance of paying attention to psychological aspects in the training of gymnastics athletes. In addition to physical and technical skill development, coaches and administrators should pay special attention to anxiety management and concentration enhancement. Further research could explore specific strategies that can help athletes manage anxiety and improve their concentration to achieve optimal performance in gymnastics competitions.


Anxiety, Focus, Gymnatics Performance, Sport Psychology

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