Cahyono Yono Yono, Dadang Mulyana Mulyana



This study aims to understand learning with the concept of Lesson Study in growing student motivation. This type of qualitative research with descriptive analysis methods. Class VII, VIII, and IX students in one private junior high school in the city of Bandung as the subject and location of the Research. The data of this research is based on the concept of lesson study that is based on the results of planning, results of implementation, and results of reflection. Then the data is presented and analyzed narratively supported by research results and learning theories as well as lesson study theories and concepts. The learning process with the concept of lesson study can increase the enthusiasm and motivation of student learning when learning Pancasila and citizenship. Learning learning concepts that are launched carefully, and implemented in accordance with planning, can increase student motivation and learning so as to produce better student achievement.

Keywords: Learning Motivation, Pancasila Education and Citizenship, Lesson Study

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A. Introduction

One of the vision and mission of Pancasila and citizenship education is to make good citizens, that is, good for their gods, good for the country, and good for their fellow citizens. The essence of Civics is to instill the values of attitudes and skills as citizens. However, the concept of citizen knowledge must also be instilled with citizens to understand the concept of knowledge in full about the concepts and principles of political, legal, and moral citizenship. The concept of knowledge is implemented in the form of attitudes and behaviors that show good citizenship. In addition, even the skills of citizens must be possessed by every citizen of the country. The citizenship skills can be in the form of participation in the life of the nation and state, self-positioning skills, and skilled living as citizens.

Based on findings from a curriculum study at the Ministry of National Education (2007), it shows that;

"There is an imbalance in the domain of citizenship competence as the content of Basic Competencies for each Core Competency at the Elementary School level, Junior High School and High School / Vocational School / MA. In these three types of education, the attitude and behavior aspects that are the main basis of teaching Civics are proportionately smaller than those in the field of knowledge. For SMA, only 7 (12.96%) KD included affective and 7 (12.96%) KD included temporary behavior for knowledge 109 (69.4%) KD in the cognitive domain, so from the curriculum study for the high school level the conclusion was aspects greater cognitive (Knowledge) than behavioral attitudes so that there are inconsistencies with the sacred mission of Civics which aim to shape the character of citizens, because it is only based on the assessment of cognitive aspects, not on the affective and psychomotor aspects. Besides the teacher still teaches more to pursue targets oriented to the final exam scores, this is related to the formation of character, morals, attitudes and behavior of students who only want good grades without being balanced with an increase in character, morals, attitudes and behavior of children ".

Based on the findings above, it is clear that one strategy is needed in the Civics learning process to achieve the vision and mission of Civics in creating good citizens, who have the competency of citizens 'knowledge, citizens' skills, and attitudes or character of good citizens. Engineering learning is needed to achieve these goals. One of them is the use of varied learning models and methods, as well as the application of the concept of "lesson study" in learning civics in school.


Qualitative descriptive approach used in this study, with the subject of research is students of class VII A, amounting to 35 people in one private junior high school in the city of Bandung. Retrieval of data in research is based on the concept of "lesson study", which starts from "plan", "do" to "see", which is applied to Pancasila and citizenship education subjects on basic competence 3.1 about the history of the nation's struggle and the history of the formulation of Pancasila on the subject history of the formulation of the Pancasila. Data collection is carried out in accordance with the concept of "lesson study", namely from participant, observation, and notes or findings in the field in the form of documentation and other findings.

The use of triangulation techniques aims to maintain the validity of this research data. Triangulation techniques are used by involving researchers and other observers who are intended to double-check the accuracy of the data that has been obtained. To achieve the accuracy of the "lesson study" data on Pancasila and citizenship education subjects with the subject of types of political culture in Indonesia, it is used based on the concept of "lesson study" based on the results of "plan", "do" and "see" data.

Analysis of the study with five steps, namely; (1) collecting all research data starting from the "plan", "do" and "see" process in PPKn subjects. (2) the data are then classified based on the division of the "plan", "do" and "see" process that has been carried out. (3) inventory data in the form of records / videos, photos in the implementation of "plan", "do", and "see" activities in "lesson study". (4) linking research data from "plan", "do", and "see" activities. (5) describes the data available from the findings during the study, then delivered in the form of conclusions.


Planning Process ("plan")

The planning process ("plan") is a core stage that cannot be separated in the event of "lesson study". At the "plan" stage, all the things related to the implementation of "lesson study" are prepared. This is done as an effort so that learning implementation activities in the "lesson study" can run well and the objectives of the "lesson study" activities can be achieved properly. Susilo (2013) "states that the purpose of the plan is to produce learning designs that are believed to be able to effectively teach students and encourage student participation in learning".

In this "plan" activity, it was carried out collaboratively with 3 lecturers and 2 teachers. It is at this "plan" stage that the learning steps and learning instruments are arranged to be used in the "lesson study" activities. The selection of model lecturers was agreed at this "plan" stage.

The "plan" activity begins with two stages, namely the observation phase and the documentation study stage in the form of learning tools that have been made by the teacher. This is done to find all the problems that occur during the learning process that has been passed by the school teacher. At this stage also discussed plans related to making a new learning device which will be applied to the "lesson study" activities. As for what is prepared for the implementation phase ("do"), namely:

a. Study the learning device

The study of learning tools is one of the "do" studies of comments aimed at getting data about material and assessment instruments that are suitable to the needs and learning objectives at the implementation stage ("do"). This activity was carried out on Tuesday, August 7, 2019, which took place in one of the Private Junior High Schools in Bandung. The learning kit is done collaboratively with 3 lecturers and 2 teachers. After that, observing the learning process in class which will be used as a model class in the "lesson study" activities. Everything is done in order to see the conditions and characteristics of students and observe the learning process. This activity is carried out to obtain notes in choosing a model, suitable learning methods applied at the time of implementation activities ("do").

b. Determine suitable learning models to use

In this activity carried out by a team of lecturers consisting of 3 people and 1 teacher. Determination of models, methods and learning material based on the notes of observations and studies "do" documentation and study theory. The model used in the implementation of "lesson study" is the problem based learning model of audio visual media types, with a scientific approach, on the material types of Indonesian political culture.

c. Making learning devices

This stage, the team determines the learning tools that will be used at the "do" stage. The composition of learning tools in the form of "Chapter Design", "Lesson Design". Learning Implementation Plan (RPP), learning media, assessment instruments.

The lecturer team prepares the first "plan" will be carried out before the first implementation phase ("do"), while the second "plan" stage is the result of reflection done at the end of the first activity ("do"). The results of the first "do" reflection that need to be improved are the implementation of learning, while the plans and other learning instruments have no change but are only refined based on the results of reflection.

Implementation ("do")

Via Yustitaa et al., (2018) states "the implementation (do) is intended to implement the planned learning design". At this stage the lecturer team consisted of 3 people, one person became a model lecturer, and 2 other lecturers became observers assisted by two Pancasila and Civics Education Teachers at school. The observers focused on observing the stages of the implementation of the learning process rather than observing the appearance of the model lecturer who was teaching. The main task of the observer is to observe the learning process and student responses during the learning process which is guided by the model lecturer. In addition, observers are also allowed to document the learning process in the form of photos, recordings and notes as material for reflection. After the learning process takes place the model lecturer distributes the questionnaire to the students to measure the response and enthusiasm of students to the process of implementing "lesson study" learning.

The model lecturer carried out the learning process for 3 times, which was held on Wednesday 5 September 2018 at 07.00 - 08.30 in class VII A for the first implementation phase ("do" 1), the second stage was carried out on 12 September 2018, and the third stage September 19, 2018 at the same time and class. Model lecturers and observer teams always come more to prepare for the implementation of learning. In implementing the model lecturers use learning media in the form of LCD projectors, laptops, sipker, markers, paperboard and adhesive tools.

In the implementation of learning, the model lecturer refers to the learning steps that have been planned, namely by using the learning model "problem based learning" type of audio visual media. The steps of learning with the model "problem based learning" according to Arends (2001), namely (1) Orientation of the problem, (2) learning organizations, (3) Investigation of individuals and groups, (4) Development and presentation of the results of problem solving, and (5) Analysis and evaluation of problem solving processes.

In step (1) orientation to the problem, the model lecturer gives a brief presentation on the history of the nation's struggle and the history of the formulation of the Pancasila, accompanied by a short video display of the philosophy of the values of Pancasila and the formulation of the Pancasila. Followed by questions and answers related to the video show. The second step is the learning organization, students are directed to form groups, each group is given the task to re-analyze the contents and hence the importance of the video that is related to the history of the formulation of the Pancasila. Next in step 3 is individual or group investigation. The model lecturer directed each group to match the results of the analysis of each group by using other relevant sources such as textbooks, articles from the internet (HP) and other relevant sources. The fourth step is the development and presentation of the results of problem solving. In this step each group is asked by the model lecturer to put together the answers that have been obtained to draw conclusions and write them on cardboard to be delivered in front of the class. Next step 5 is the analysis and evaluation of the problem solving process. In this step the model lecturer asks each group to jointly evaluate the results of each group's study. As the final stage of the learning process the model lecturer asks students to summarize the learning outcomes that have already taken place as well as the values and moral messages obtained during the learning process by using "lesson study" learning activities.

During the learning process takes place in general students are very enthusiastic in following the learning process, but there are some obstacles found that there are some students who have difficulty finding information sources from the internet because of constrained signals and limited internet quota. As a solution, the model instructor instructs the student to use his friend's cellphone which is finished earlier and so on alternately.

In the second and third cycles, the learning process runs better than the first cycle. This is due to the readiness of the model lecturers and the readiness of students who are already getting used to the "lesson study" learning activities. This is evidenced by indicators of student activity during the learning process in the form of the courage to ask questions, express opinions, give examples of cases and provide responses to problems in the learning material. Other activities students focus on paying attention to the presentation of material from lecturers through audio-visual learning media, paying attention when their friends express their opinions, giving responses to questions from their friends.

Reflection ("see")

This reflection phase was carried out by a team of lecturers and assisted by 2 PPKn teachers in the school as observers. Data on input and findings obtained, are described in the reflection activities, including revisions that must be made in future learning. The lecturer's impression of the model of the implementation of learning in the first cycle namely; (1) the model lecturer feels enjoy due to the opportunity to apply the concept of "lesson study" in learning; (2) the feelings of the model lecturer had felt anxious if the planning ("plan") that had been made did not go as planned. The descriptive data from the observer in open lesson I can be seen in table 1 below.

Table 1. Open Lesson Descriptive Data I

No Reflection Actions

There are 4 students who are constrained by the internet signal and the internet quota Model lecturer quickly asks to use his group's cellphone alternately

There are still some students who are not ready and motivated to learn. Model lecturers motivate students to learn a lot, enrich reference materials so they are better prepared to learn.

In step 3, there are still students who do not work well together and only rely on their partners. Model lecturers motivate students to be more active in collaboration, and facilitate all groups in discussions.

In step 3, some groups have not been able to find answers to the problems of the group's themes, so that when stepping into the next step the group lags behind Model lecturer suggesting that the process of finding materials and solutions be shared is not done by one or two people.

In step 4, the lecturer asks one of the groups to present the results of their group discussion in front of the class. But no group is ready. Model lecturers take the initiative to appoint advanced groups.

In step 4, students look less confident in presenting the results of their discussion. Model lecturers provide motivating students to be more confident and brave for presentations.

The impression of the model lecturer from the results of the third cycle are; (1) the model lecturer feels happy because he has the chance to return to the third cycle, (2) the model lecturer makes improvements from the shortcomings in the previous (second) cycle, (3) the model lecturer looks more confident and confident than in the previous cycle. Observation observations in the form of descriptive data in open lesson II are presented in table 2 below:

Table 2. Open Lesson Descriptive Data II

No Reflection Actions

There are still some students who are not ready to follow the learning process, such as rapping and not preparing notebooks and textbooks. Model lecturers provide learning motivation and make enthusiastic yells learning

In step 3 of the individual or group investigation process there are still some students who use their cellphones to open social media not to look for learning material. Lecturers come to students and provide motivation to return to learning

There are some students who are chatting while the other group's friends are presenting. The model lecturer goes to the student and gives the code to listen to the presentation of other groups

The use of instructional media with audio visual is very helpful for students to absorb the meaning of the subject matter. It needs to be developed and packaged more interesting to improve the learning process in the next stage


The conclusion that can be drawn is learning by using the concept of lesson study conducted in accordance with the stages and steps in the "lesson study" consisting of "plan", "do", and "see" proven to increase student interest and motivation to learn in the eyes PPKn lessons. The purpose and benefit of the "lesson study" activity is to develop learning of PPKn subjects so that they are more interesting and easily understood and understood by students at the junior high level. Based on the results of the implementation of "lesson studies" through the transition "plans", "do", and "see", it can be concluded as follows: (1) The application of the concept of lesson study learning is very effective in achieving the main objectives of PPKn learning and the 2013 transition that is complemented by education character. (2) Prose s Learning with the concept of lesson study is able to motivate and make students enthusiastic in learning PPKn. (3) Learning with lessons can help students to understand and solve the problems they face.

Based on the results of the implementation of learning with "lesson study" the following suggestions can be given, namely: (1) "lesson study" can be used as a reference in developing and improving quality learning in schools, especially in junior high schools. (2) "lesson study" activities should be carried out continuously and consistently to get maximum results.


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