Improvement of Syudents` Ecoliteracy in Consuming Healthy Food Via Food Vlogs on Social Studies Learning

Asyifa Fitra


This research is motivated by the researcher’s findings from an observation at SMPN 45 Bandung. The observation showed the high consumption of VII-G class students on food sold in the school environment. Therefore, researchers felt the need to increase the students’ Eco literacy in consuming healthy food. Researcher used project-based learning through the making of food vlogs on social studies. This study used John Elliot’s class action research method consisted of three cycles with 3 actions in each cycle. Based on the research’s result, it is safe to state that the lessons were planned well by educators; lesson implementation of project-based learning model through the creation of food vlog ran well in each cycle. The final product in the form of food vlog was done in groups with different themes in each cycle; in the first cycle of food vlogs made with the theme "Knowing the benefits of healthy food", the second cycle themed "Processing pre-historic human food" and the theme in the third cycle is "Indonesian Golden Spices". Reflection has been carried out to determine the obstacles encountered and the solutions to overcome them. The conclusion of this study is that the student’s ecoliteracy in consuming healthy food increased in every cycle as it was evidenced by the changing patterns of students’ consumption to be healthier than before.


Ecoliteracy, healthy food, food vlog, Social Studies learning

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