The Attitude of Adolescent Smoking Man: Who Are in Social

Nena Nurohmah


Smoking behavior in adolescents should be prevented. It is necessary to have supporting factors, which can lead a teenager to behave positively, namely not smoking. This research is motivated by the existence of adolescents who do not fall into promiscuity, namely smoking, even though the surrounding environment is an active smoker. In this study, there are three things you want to know: a) the values and norms applied by the family to non-smoking adolescents, b) the condition of the friendship environment that is built on adolescents who do not smoke, c) ownership of pocket money in shaping adolescent non-smoking attitudes. This research uses a case study method with a qualitative approach. The research data collection was obtained using observation, interviews, and documentation to reveal the non-smoking attitude of male adolescents who were in a smoker's social environment. Participants involved in this study were 7 adolescents with a vulnerable age of 13-16 years. The results of this study illustrate that the cultivation of good values and norms by the family to non-smoking adolescents also produces good attitudes when dealing with society, especially when hanging out with their friends. His friends really appreciate the decision not to smoke, because not smoking is a good attitude. Ownership of an allowance does not affect the decision to not smoke, because non-smoking adolescents already have the intention and principle of not smoking even though the allowance given by their parents is large

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