Enhancement Talking Students Ability Through Time Tokens Arends Technique in Social Sciences Learning.

Siti Mardiah


The research supported by the low ability to speak students For social
science learning in class VII-E at SMP Negeri 26 bandung. This can be
seen from livelines speak students Who only dominated by some
students. While other students just stand still and not contributing within to
convey the ideas in front of the class. Seeing these problem, the
researcher choose Time Token Arends technique as a solution to increase
talking students ability. The purpose of this reseach is to describe about
the planning, implementation, improvement and reflection of the
application of Time Token Arends technique to increase talking students
ability. The type of research that used is the class action Research (PTK)
model Kemmis and Mc. Taggart which consists of four stages. The result
of this research. First, planning is done by determining the SK and KD,
making the RPP and research instrument. Second, the implementation of
the class action is performed according to the plan has been compiled
previously so that to obtain the result with the "good" category. Third, the
constraints during the execution of the research is to compile the material
sourced from the experience of the students so that they can increase
courage talking students. These constraint can be improved by discussing
regarding the design of the materials with colleagues and partners. Fourth,
the result of this research shows that there is an increased ability to talk on
every cycle. Cycle one students talking ability reaches the "enough"
category, the second cycle of students speaking ability reaches the "good"
category, third adn fourth cycles reach the "good" category. So based on
this, then time token arends technique can increase students talking

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/ijposs.v2i1.8661


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