Etika Emaliyawati, Titin Sutini, Kusman Ibrahim, Yanny Trisyani, Ayu Prawesti


Infark Miokard merupakan salah satu penyakit terminal yang memerlukan perawatan intensif. Perawataan intensif yang diperlukan harus holistik, mencakup bio psiko sosial dan spiritual. Psikologis infark miokard harus selalu diperhatikan, karena salah satu penyebab infark miokard adalah dari psikologis atau dikenal dengan stress. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengalaman pasien infark miokard akut yang menjalani perawatan di ruang intensif. Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan phenomenology yang dilakukan di salah satu rumah sakit di Bandung periode Juni-Juli 2013. Jumlah informan 10 orang pasien infrak miokard akut yang pada saat dilakukan wawancara sudah dalam perbaikan killip I dan II yang diambil secara purposive sampling, dirawat di ruang intensif dan kondisinya telah stabil. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam kemudian dianalisa menggunakan content analysis dari Hancoch. Hasil penelitian didapatkan 3 tema penelitan yaitu seluruh responden merasa tidak berdaya, 9 responden mengalami ketidakpastian menghadapi masa depan dan 10 responden menyatakan ketakutannya akan kematian. Seluruh pasien infrak miokard mengalami masalah psikologis, oleh karena itu hasil penelitian ini dapat menjadi rekomendasi dalam memberikan layanan kesehatan bagi pasien kondisi terminal; infark miokard akut yang sedang menjalani perawatan intensif. Penting kiranya untuk dapat mengelola dan mengintegrasikan pelayanan perawatan pada pasien infark miokard akut yang sedang dirawat di unit intensif secara holistik meliputi fisik psikologis sosial dan spiritual.



Communication is a very important process in human relationship. In providing nursing care, nurses should have a good knowledge and communication skill as the beginning of a good relationship between nurses, patients, and their families. Nurses with good communication skill had an easier opportunity to make a good relationship with the patient and their families. This study aimed to identify effective communication barriers among nurses in developing communication with patients’ family according to nurses’ perspective in Intensive Care Unit Rumah Sakit Umum Al Islam Bandung. This descriptive explorative study involved 10 nurses were taken with accidental sampling. Data were gathered using interview and observation. Data analyzed with the content analysis. Result showed that there were at least five topic of effective communication barriers among nurses in developing communication with patients’ family according to nurses’ perspective in Intensive Care Unit Rumah Sakit Umum Al Islam Bandung; role conflict, family demographic factors, misunderstanding, environment and situation in the ICU, and family psychological condition. So, training related to communication between nurses and patients’ family were necessary to undertake in order to improve the ability of nurses such as foreign language skills and patience in dealing with the situation in the ICU especially in relation to the patient's family. This is because nurses are the spearhead of health care service in hospital.


Barriers; ICU; the patient’s family; effective communication; nurse; infark miokard akut; pengalaman psikologis

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