Training on the Development of Science Learning Tools with STEM Approach for Science Teachers in Garut Regency [Pelatihan Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran IPA Dengan Pendekatan STEM Untuk Guru IPA di Kabupaten Garut]

Abdul Latip, Dudung Abdurrahman, Andinisa Rahmaniar, Shinta Purnamasari, Wiwit Yuli Lestari, Vina Anggun Nurfadilah, Siti Rahayu Fauziah


Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilaksanakan bertujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan kepada guru IPA di Kabupaten Garut mengenai pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran IPA berpendekatan STEM. Kegiatan ini terdiri dari 3 tahapan utama, yaitu persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Pada tahap persiapan dilaksanakan koordinasi antara tim PKM dan perwakilan peserta. Pada tahap pelaksanaan menggunakan metode pelatihan dengan teknik on off, dengan rincian pemberian materi dan workshop (off job training), implementasi di Sekolah (on job training), refleksi dan evaluasi (off job training). Pada proses pelaksanaan kegiatan, secara umum guru dapat mengikuti dan menghasilkan luaran yang diharapkan. Pada tahap evaluasi dilakukan pemberian kuisioner dengan hasil bahwa secara umum guru memberikan respon positif terhadap kegaitan PkM, baik dari aspek kebermanfaatan materi, kesesuaian materi, kebermafaatan produk, dan kesesuaian kegiatan dengan kondisi lapangan.

The community service activities aim to train science teachers in Garut Regency regarding developing STEM-approached science learning tools. This activity consists of 3 main stages: preparation, implementation, and evaluation. At the preparatory stage, coordination was carried out between the PKM team and participant representatives. At the implementation stage, using the training method with on-off techniques, with details of providing materials and workshops (off-job training), implementation in schools (on-job training), reflection and evaluation (off-job training). In implementing activities, the teacher can generally follow and produce the expected output. At the evaluation stage, a questionnaire was administered with the result that, in general, the teacher gave a positive response to PkM activities, both in terms of the usefulness of the material, the suitability of the material, the use of the product, and the suitability of the action with field conditions.


Pelatihan, STEM, Guru

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