Transcultural Communication Strategies in Nursing with Multicultural Clients in Hospital Settings: A Systematic Literature Review

Reiza Agustina Wulandari, Nurfika Asmaningrum, Anisah Ardiana


A lack of nurse understanding of cultural diversity during nurse-patient communication may cause conflicts and misunderstandings. This study aim to analyze nurse transcultural communication strategies with multicultural clients in hospitals. Systematic literature review incorporating four databases, including PubMed, Science Direct, Google Scholar, and ProQuest. Assessed Article quality based on JBI and MMAT. A total of 47.848 articles were identified, and twelve articles analyzed highlight ten transcultural communication strategies, including the usage of language translators and interpreters, communication skills training, cultural competency training, initiative to learn a new culture, clarity of communication, doing self-reflection, familiarizing to the patient, developing confidence, spending more time to consult, respecting and appreciating patient. Implementing transcultural communication strategies during nurse-patient interactions is important to achieve therapeutic communication goals. Transcultural communication enables nurses to understand and respond to patient needs effectively. The study suggests that nurses develop transcultural communication skills and competencies to practice intercultural communication during clinical care.


Communication Strategy; Nursing; Multicultural; Transcultural; Systematic Review

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