The Intervention of Trunk Posture on Fowler 30o to Reduce Shortness of Breath in Congestive Heart Failure Patients : Case Study

Anggi Jamiyanti, Sarah Arnika Simatupang, Trias Eka Nurlela, Eka Afrima Sari, Yusshy Kurnia Herliani, Ramdani Ramdani


Shortness of breath in patients with congestive heart failure is caused by impaired lung function due to pulmonary. One of the efforts that can be made to overcome shortness of breath and improve oxygenation status is to change the position of the trunk posture in fowler 30o. This case study was conducted to analyze the application of the 30o trunk posture in the fowler position in patients with congestive heart failure who experience shortness of breath. The research used a case study of patients with congestive heart failure who experience shortness of breath. After giving a 30o trunk posture in the fowler position for three days of treatment, there was a change of blood pressure, pulse rate, respiration, and oxygen saturation of the patient. The position of the trunk in fowler posture 30o can reduce shortness of breath in patients with congestive heart failure.


congestive heart failure; shortness of breath; trunk posture in fowler 30o

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