e-ISSN 2477-3743 p-ISSN 2541-0024
Jurnal Pendidikan Keperawatan Indonesia (JPKI) is an open-access journal published by Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. This Journal aims to improve nursing science development, especially in nursing education by publishing scientific papers from researchers, lecturers, and practitioners of nursing and health professionals both on a national and international.
JPKI has regularly published twice a year in June and December. We accept manuscripts written in English. Articles must be the result of research-based, case studies, results of literature studies with scientific concepts, knowledge, innovative and latest technologies within the scope of nursing. The article will be reviewed by reviewers from various institutions.
JPKI has been nationally accredited based on the Decree of Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education Number 200/M/KPT/2020 with SINTA Score 3.

New Authors Guidelines :Language and APC |
Dear Author. To improve the quality of JPKI for the international reader, starting in 2021, we only accept articles in English. Thank you |
Posted: 2021-01-30 | |
The 5th ICSSHPE (International Conference on Sport Science, Health and Physical Education) |
Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Proudly Present : The 5th ICSSHPE (International Conference on Sport Science, Health and Physical Education). Virtual Conference with Major Theme : For Futhermore information, please visit the website ICSSHPE V |
Posted: 2020-09-22 | More... |
JPKI is Indexed in DOAJ |
As of September 8, 2020, Jurnal Pendidikan Keperawatan Indonesia has been indexed in Directory of Open Access Journal | |
Posted: 2020-09-08 | |
More Announcements... |
Vol 10, No 2 (2024): Volume 10, Nomor 2, Desember 2024
Table of Contents
Original Research
Dita Sahara, Irma Herliana, Ahmad Rizal
Iyus Yosep, Ai Mardhiyah, Indra Maulana, Taty Hernawaty
Dani Ferdian, Rohman Hikmat, Abdullah Anshor, Irwan Irwan, Triyanto Triyanto
Linlin Lindayani, Dheani Juliasry, Taryudi Taryudi, Astri Mutiar, Apriyadno Jose Al Freadman Koa, Irma Darmawati
Erti Ikhtiarini Dewi, Miftah Salsabila, Yeni Fitria
Erna Irawan, Maidartati Maidartati, Nurul Iklima, Mery Tania, Yulia Yulia
Argi Virgona Bangun, Syanita Dwi Nanda Sulistyani Putri, Muthia Arfha Aminullah
Review Article
Arip Hidayat, Murtiningsih Murtiningsih, Amelia Ganefianty
Irman Irman, Risyda Zakiyah Hanim
Case Report/Case Study
Gita Ariyani Dewi, Irma Darmawati, Sri Sumartini