Didin Syarifuddin



Kinerja karyawan merupakan aspek penting dalam suatu organisasi, karena selain menjadi gambaran kinerja organisasi juga merupakan faktor penentu bagi keberlanjutan suatu organisasi. Hal ini ditafsirkan sama oleh Hotel X di Bandung, yang sangat memperhatikan kinerja karyawannya. Namun, karyawannya masih belum sepenuhnya menunjukkan kinerja maksimal, yang disebabkan oleh rendahnya motivasi kerja mereka. Metode deskriptif dan verifikasi digunakan untuk menjelaskan motivasi kerja dan kinerja karyawan dan menjelaskan hubungan kausalitas antara motivasi kerja dan kinerja karyawan. Dengan sampel 44 orang, menggunakan analisis regresi linier sederhana diikuti dengan memberi makna pada nilai motivasi dan kinerja yang dianggap sangat berharga dalam suatu organisasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa baik motivasi kerja maupun kinerja karyawan termasuk dalam kategori tinggi dalam melaksanakan tugas. Besarnya pengaruh motivasi kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan menjelaskan keberhasilan organisasi dalam menciptakan kinerja karyawan ditentukan oleh tingginya pekerjaan. motivasi, semakin tinggi motivasi kerja, semakin tinggi tingkat kinerja yang dihasilkannya atau sebaliknya. Ini berarti bahwa motivasi kerja menjadi aspek penting, bernilai tinggi yang dapat menentukan kinerja karyawannya, sehingga memberikan jaminan bagi keberlanjutan organisasi hotel. Selanjutnya, dapat dikatakan bahwa pentingnya sebuah hotel ditentukan melalui nilai motivasi dan kinerja karyawan hotel. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disarankan bahwa manajemen Hotel X di Bandung, dapat meningkatkan motivasi kerja karena merupakan faktor penentu keberhasilan kinerja karyawan.

Kata kunci: Motivasi Kerja, Performa Karyawan, Nilai Kinerja



Employee performance is an important aspect in an organization, because in addition to being a picture of the organization's performance it is also a determining factor for the sustainability of an organization. This is interpreted the same by Hotel X in Bandung, which is very concerned about the performance of its employees. However, its employees still do not fully show the maximum performance, which is caused by the low motivation of their work.This study uses descriptive and verification methods, to explain work motivation and employee performance and explain the causality relationship between work motivation and employee performance, with a sample size of 44 people, using simple linear regression analysis followed by giving meaning to the value of motivation and performance that are considered very valuable in an organization. The results showed that both work motivation and employee performance were included in the high category in carrying out their work duties.The magnitude of the effect of work motivation on employee performance explains the success of the organization in creating employee performance is determined by the high work motivation, the higher the work motivation, the higher the level of performance it produces or vice versa. This means that work motivation becomes an important, high-value aspect that can determine the performance of its employees, thus providing a guarantee for the sustainability of the hotel organization. Furthermore, it can be said that the importance of a hotel is determined through the value of motivation and performance of hotel employees. From the results of this study it can be suggested that the management of Hotel X in Bandung, can increase work motivation because it is a critical success factor for employee performance.


Keywords: Work Motivation. Employee Performance, Performance Value


Work Motivation. Employee Performance, Performance Value

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