Virtual Tourism Sebagai Alternatif Wisata Saat Pandemi

Rivandy Muhammad, Dyah Mutiarin, Janianton Damanik



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perkembangan penelitian mengenai virtual tourism serta bagaimana virtual tourism diteliti selama 10 tahun terakhir yang dipublikasi oleh scopus. Penelitian ini membahas bagaimana bentuk pelaksanaan virtual tourism yang dapat dilakukan oleh pelaku usaha pariwisata di masa pandemi covid-19. Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang terdampak virus covid-19 melaksanakan pembatasan sosial berskala besar untuk mencegah semakin bertambahnya kasus positif di Indonesia, akibatnya berbagai sektor industri terkena dampaknya salah satunya pariwisata. Menurunnya kunjungan wisatawan, pemutusan hubungan kerja, hingga pelaku usaha pariwisata yang gulung tikar terjadi akibat meluasnya virus covid-19 serta menurunnya kunjungan wisatawan ke objek dan daya tarik wisata. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis bibliometric dengan alat analisis menggunakan aplikasi vosviewer 1.6.16.

Kata Kunci : virtual tourism, destinasi, Covid-19




The Covid-19 pandemic that occurred in almost all countries led to changes in people's behavior which required them to stay at home because there was an increase in confirmed positive cases so that some countries implemented lockdown policies. Indonesia is one of the countries affected by the Covid-19 virus implementing large-scale social restrictions to prevent the increasing number of positive cases in Indonesia, as a result of which various industrial sectors are affected, one of which is tourism. The decline in tourist visits, layoffs of employment, business actors who went bankrupt occurred due to the spread of the Covid-19 virus, and the decline in tourist visits to tourist objects and attractions. This study uses bibliometric analysis with analysis tools using the Vosviewer 1.6 application. This research discusses how the form of virtual tourism implementation that can be carried out by tourism businesses during the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as how virtual tourism has been researched over the last 10 years published by Scopus.


Keywords: Virtual tourism, Destination, Covid-19


virtual tourism, destinasi, Covid-19

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