Rejuvenating Sustainable Mangrove Ecotourism Destinations Using a Tetrapreneur Model: A Case of Kulon Progo, Indonesia
This article aims to investigate actual conditions and construct potential recommendations to rejuvenate mangrove ecotourism destinations to be more sustainable along the southern coast of Kulon Progo using a Tetrapreneur Model. In this study, a qualitative research approach was adopted. To obtain primary data, systematic observation and in-depth interviews were utilized, while a literature study strategy involving a comprehensive review of relevant documents in various forms, such as textual, visual, digital, and physical items, was employed to collect secondary data. The results indicate that the four approaches of the Tetrapreneur Model, namely Chainpreneur, Marketpreneur, Qualitypreneur, and Brandpreneur, as examined in this study, have their own unique set of facts, comprising Improvement Gap Facts, Sustainability Potential Facts, and Supporting Facts for the rejuvenation of mangrove ecotourism destinations. Furthermore, stakeholders in mangrove ecotourism destinations, particularly local community groups acting as tourism business operators and the local government of Jangkaran Village, are suggested to consider implementing several practical recommendations based on the Tetrapreneur Model.
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