The Acquisition of the Korean Subject and Complement Particles 'i/ga' by Indonesian Learners of Korean

Fitri Meutia


Subject and complement markers 이(i)/가(ga) are markers used to form a sentence in Korean language,  which are quite difficult for Indonesian Korean learners to master, because in Indonesian there is no subject or complement marker. Therefore, it is difficult to conquer. This research is a descriptive quantitative study that aims to find out the acquisition of Korean subject and complement markers 이(i)/가(ga) of learners at Korean Language Study Program, Universitas Nasional. Grammaticality Judment Test (GJT) and statistical tests were conducted on 60 students of the university, and 20 native Korean speakers to determine their acquisition. The results of the study found that student acquisition was quite low as seen from the percentage of correct answers which was only 60% while native speakers were 95%. Based on statistical tests, there is a significant difference between students and native speakers(0.00 < 0.05). In addition, students show very low 이(i)/가(ga) which is ranging from 40-50%, on GJT questions no.3 and no.8. In questions no.3 and no.8 there are words become (되다/dweda) and be/be not(있다/ita, 없다/opta) where in front of those words, a subject or complement marker must be placed, but the student placed an object marker.


complementary markers; second language acquisition; 이(i)/가(ga; subject markers


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