Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Inquiry with Reading Infusion untuk Mengidentifikasi Perkembangan Kompetensi Literasi Saintifik Siswa SMA pada Materi Alat Optik
Kata Kunci: Inquiry; Kompetensi literasi saintifik; Reading Infusion.
Scientific literacy competence is the competence that need to be looked at as belonging in the face of challenges in the 21st century, this meant scientific literacy competence as knowledge and scientific methods are used to investigate a issue and decision making over a problem. The results showed the scientific literacy competence is viewed not yet owned by the students due to the difficulty of the teacher in teaching scientific literacy competency through the inquiry process, because students did not have sufficient knowledge. Inquiry is a step that is appropriate for the trained point of view on scientific literacy competence since it has a step that systematic and structured in relation to trained scientific literacy competence. And with the additional task of beginning reading infusion is expected to be supportive in the process of inquiry in the classroom. So that through learning Inquiry with Reading Infusion is expected to facilitate to train scientific literacy competencies. Scientific literacy competency training includes explaining scientific phenomena, evaluate and design of scientific research, and interpret the data and scientific evidence. This research uses the pre-experimental designs with one group pre-test post-test design, using population in one of the public schools in Bandung as many as 257 students with samples of 30 students who obtained by cluster random sampling technique. To see the development of scientific literacy competence is analyzed based on student worksheet with answer categories increased refer a rubric developed by Lati W. The results showed on the aspect of scientific phenomena explained increased better than any other aspect, although in the process of the use of this inquiry the dominance of teachers still more viscous. So it needs to be thought through again the steps more focus in trained both aspects of other scientific literacy competency.
Keywords: Scientific literacy competence; Inquiry; Reading Infusion
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