Instrumental analysis of higher order thinking skills in linear motion topic using item response theory

Pungkas Wijiasmoro, Taufik R Ramalis, Purwanto Purwanto, Mutiara Syifa


This study aims to analyze the characteristics of a higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) instrument on linear motion of physics subjects in high school using item response theory (IRT). The characteristics of the instrument analyzed were the suitable logistic model, validity, reliability, discrimination index, and difficulty. The method of this study was a descriptive study with quantitative data and the design used was a one-shot design. The participants of this study were 101 high school students who have already studied linear motion. The data obtained were analyzed using the item response theory 2-PL model. The instrument was 22 multiple-choice questions. The results of the study show that the instrument is valid. The reliability of the instrument shows that it is reliable to be given to students with low to medium ability with ability scores of -1.1 to 0.9. The overall discrimination index is considered to be good with a = 1.98. As for the discrimination index for each item, 11 items are considered to be having good discrimination indexes and the other 11 have bad discrimination indexes. The overall difficulty level belongs to the medium category with b = -0.1. As for the difficulty level for each item, one item belongs to the easy category, one item belongs to the hard difficulty, and the other 20 belong to the medium category

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