Development of physics learning media "delight physics web" on elasticity and hooke's law to increase student learning motivation

Didit Aditya Ningsih, Tsania Nur Diyana


This student learning motivation on physical subject matter elasticity and Hooke's Law is still low, because this requires appropriate learning media in order to increase student learning motivation. The use of Google Site-based learning media is considered capable of increasing student learning motivation. Based on this, a medium called Delight Physics Web was developed as a solution to this problem. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of feasibility and reliability of Delight Physics Web learning media to increase students' learning motivation on Material Elasticity and Hooke's Law. This type of research is Research and Development (Research and Development) using the 4D model which consists of the stages of defining, designing, developing, and disseminating. However, this research was only carried out until the develop stage due to time constraints in conducting research. The instrument used in this study was a validation sheet consisting of 10 questions with 4 aspects, namely aspects of material content, presentation of material, media design, and language. The validation sheets were given to two validators, namely expert validators (physics lecturers) and practicing validators (physics teachers) who are experts in the field of media development and physics learning content to assess the learning media that have been developed. The results of this study obtained a validity value using a Likert scale of 1 to 4 indicating an average value in the aspect of material content 93.75%, material presentation 87.5%, media design 87.5%, and language 100%, while for the calculation results reliability with the Percentage of Agreement (PA) equation shows an average value in the aspect of material content of 93.33%, material presentation of 92.86%, media design of 85.71%, and language of 100%. The results of this study showed that Delight Physics Web's physical learning media to increase students' learning motivation on the Elasticity of Materials and Hooke's Law that had been developed was stated to be very feasible to use and reliable.


Media Pembelajaran; Web Fisika; Elastisitas; Hukum Hooke; Motivasi Belajar

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