Development of student worksheets based on inquiry on light waves
This study aims to: (1) produce an Inquiry-Based Learner Worksheet (LKPD) product on Light Wave Material (2) describe the effectiveness of Inquiry-Based LKPD on Light Wave Material and (3) describe student responses characteristics about LKPD. This development research uses the ADDIE model (Analysis - Design - Develop - Implementation - Evaluate). Data collection techniques were carried out by means of Pretest-Posttest, observation, process assessment, and questionnaire. The data analysis technique uses frequency distribution analysis techniques for the learner response questionnaire. Pretest-Posttest results were analyzed using Paired-T Test with a significance level of 0.05. The overall expert validation results obtained an average score of 81.36% with very good criteria. In the field test, the Paired-T Test results showed that the LKPD had a significant effect on student learning outcomes with a significance value of 0.003 <0.05. The effect size of Cohen's D which is used to measure how much it influences shows a value of 0.693151, with moderate effect criteria tending to be large. The results of the frequency distribution of the learners' response questionnaire state that the learners' opinion of the LKPD is valued at 3.962, with sufficient criteria but with a little more development it will be a good criteria.
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