Meningkatkan kemampuan analisis siswa sma dengan penerapan model pembelajaran inkuiri pictorial riddle

Hanny Marliawati, Iyon Suyana, Heni Rusnayati


Preliminary studies show that learning activity of physics has no practicing analiysis skill, has a few practical activities, and student’s analysis skill test show that student’s analysis skill is still low. This research has purpose to identify student’s analysis skill enhancement through pictorial riddle inquiry learning model in static fluid concept. Pre-experimental with one group pretest-posttest design used in this research as the method of research. The research’s sample 31 students students from XI IPA class one of public high school in Bandung on 2013/2014 academic year. Application of pictorial riddle inquiry learning model variable research measured by observation sheets and analysis skill variable measured by analysis test of a description test. Result of this research shows that student’s posttest average score is higher than student’s pretest average score. Student average score normalized gain (<g>) is 0,60 belong to medium category and student’s analysis skill for differentiating aspect average score normalized gain is 0,58, average score normalized gain of organizing aspect is 0,56, and average score normalized gain of attributing aspect is 0,65 which each one gain medium category. It can be conclude that the application of inquiry pictorial riddle learning models can improve analysis skill of junior high school students.


Analysis Skill; Pictorial Riddle Inquiry

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