Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendiskripsikan proses penerapan pembelajaran mandiri melalui literasi konsep teori relativitas einstein dengan sintak pembelajaran; 1) guru menentukan topik materi untuk dipelajari secara mandiri di perpustakaan sekolah, 2) peserta didik melakukan literasi pembelajaran mandiri di perpustakaan sekolah, 3) guru memantau aktivitas pembelajaran mandiri peserta didik, 4) peserta didik merekam hasil pembelajaran mandiri berupa resume kedalam buku catatan fisika, 5) peserta didik menyelesaikan problematika terori relativitas einstein secara mandiri. Metode tersebut diterapkan pada 36 peserta didik kelas XII IPA 4 SMA Negeri 2 Kebumen Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018, instrumen penelitian; lembar pengamatan, angket, dan tes hasil belajar, diperoleh simpulan bahwa proses kemandirian belajar dapat dikelompokan dalam katagori kemandirian; tinggi, sedang, dan rendah. Kemandirian belajar peserta didik bersinergi dengan hasil belajar yang diperoleh, semakin tinggi kemandirian belajar semakin tinggi hasil belajar yang diperoleh. Pencerahan logika berpikir, penalaran, dan bertindak dari seorang guru dalam upaya membentuk karakter kemandirian belajar peserta didik masih sangat diperlukan dan ditingkatkan.
Kata Kunci: Independent Learning; Literacy; Einstein Relativity Theory
The obyektive of the research was to describe the application of the independent-learning through literacy in the einstein's relativity theory the learning procedures are; 1) the teacher determines the topic of the learning material to be learned independently at the school library, 2) the students study the material independently literacy at the school library, 3) the teacher observes the students activities independently learning, 4) the students make a summary of what they learned in their physics note books , 5) the students solve the problems of einstein’s relativity theory independently. The method was applied to the 36 students of grade XII, class IPA 4 Senior High School N 2 Kebumen, in the academic year 2017/2018, the research instruments are; observation sheets, questionnaires, and the students achievement test, can be concluded showed that the students independence was classified into there categories i.e. high, moderate, and low. The students independence in learning synergize with students achievement, the higher the independence of the students the better the students achievement. To build the students character of independence the teacher still needs to give the models of logic, reasoning, as well as model behavior.
Keywords: Independent Learning; Literacy; Einstein Relativity Theory
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